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Three Methods for Working with Chaos
"Times of chaos and challenge can be the most spiritually powerful... if we are brave enough to rest in their space of uncertainty. Pema Chodron describes three ways to use our problems as the path to awakening and joy: go to the places that scare you, use poison as medicine, and regard what arises as awakened energy."... posted on Apr 19 2020, 11,855 reads


How to Lead a More Courageous Life
When confronted with fear, the brain will seek relief in the form of old coping habits if left to its own devices. However, there are things we can do to help it change course. If we set the stage for courage, our awareness of what happens to us becomes our greatest ally. "The more you interrupt the old fear-based habits and replace fear-based responses with responses to boost courage, the more yo... posted on Apr 18 2020, 31,359 reads


Powered by Love --- an Emerging Worldview
"There is a worldview that has come to dominate every aspect of global reality affecting human civilization, the natural world and planetary climate conditions. It can be summarized as the quantitative worldview. The quantitative worldview is in a crisis so deep it is leading, in an interconnected and interdependent world, to deep systemic disruptions, chaotic conditions and signs of complete fail... posted on Apr 17 2020, 11,082 reads


Charles Eisenstein: The Coronation
"For years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swans beak to snap it in two. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might weave from them? Covid-19 is showing us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomena... posted on Apr 16 2020, 14,140 reads


Phil Chan on Art, Civilization & Empathy
"It is no accident that all civilizations possess art. This is so because art is not simply a by-product of civilization; art is its necessary precondition. Without art mankind would less likely have developed the capacity for empathy, and without the capacity for empathy, individual lives would remain brutish. A collection of brutes cannot possibly come together to lay the groundwork for a civil ... posted on Apr 15 2020, 2,330 reads


Palpable Dark & Light: Parenting in the COVID Era
"A harsh light has illuminated the cobwebs that cloud my spirit. Subtle expectations, the drive to produce, a persistent need for external validation, a victim mentality, a relentless checklist of logistical calculations (Kids lunch? Check. Dinner prepped for tomorrow? Check.Time for a quick run in between meetings? Check. Check. Check. Check. Oops, missed that one. Check again.)" During a rare st... posted on Apr 14 2020, 5,906 reads


Seeking Solitude in Nature: A Meditation Teacher's Story
"By the time we're 60, we will have been alive for almost 22,000 days on this planet, rarely, if ever, stopping to watch just one. By immersion into nature in solitude, we allow the natural human to become entrained to the nature of the planet we are part of. I had been camping in solitude in nature -- on a hill over the ocean on the coast of California -- as I have done twice a year for the past ... posted on Apr 13 2020, 7,079 reads


Finding Beauty in a Broken World
"I think what is being asked of each of us right now [is to become] really fully who we are so that we can be of use. And it is scary. But I think the risk is worth it. And what do we lose and what do we sacrifice if we are not fully present, fully engaged, fully embracing who we are?" Tami Simon speaks with Terry Tempest Williams, a writer, naturalist, environmental activist, and author of severa... posted on Apr 12 2020, 7,459 reads


This Is Not a Rehearsal
"Self-quarantined and isolated in her apartment in Brooklyn, Hala Alyan is more aware than ever of humanity's interdependence--suddenly exposed as a raw, pulsing nerve. With all of us inescapably together as we move through this pandemic, how, she asks, can we make room for grief, empathy, and hope?"... posted on Apr 11 2020, 12,539 reads


Call to Prayer
"Prayer can be anything your heart yearns for." As crowded spaces have become empty and many of us around the world are staying away from loved ones for mutual health and safety concerns, the one thing we can all do is to pray. We can all sit in silence and send out smiles and positive thoughts. Allow Nimo Patel's moving music and the accompanying inspirational visuals by Ellie Walton to inspire y... posted on Apr 10 2020, 4,355 reads


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When you dig another out of their troubles, you find a place to bury your own.

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